…we also have home seller classes available. Link on left on website page
Saturday, January 5th, from 9am-12pm (ish)
Marshall Community Center, conference room
1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver WA (kitty corner from Clark College)
Vancouver YMCA, conference room
11324 NE 51st Circle, Vancouver WA (corner of SR500 & Gher Road/112th Ave)
Here’s to 2019! Here’s to helping you, and yours with your home buying … or selling… adventures. Here’s to the Clark County Fair in August, the Home & Garden Show at the end of April, and the Client Appreciation events (Infinity War: End Game, the new Star Wars and another one that we are still deciding on. Here’s to birthdays, anniversaries, house-iversarys, and get-togethers with the ones we love. Here’s to house warming parties, and that final walk through on the home you’re leaving. Here’s to the joy you feel when you get keys to the home that is YOURS, and no one else’s. Here’s to love, friendship, joy, and happiness. Here’s to memories, and 365 days of new adventures. We got this!
So lately I’ve had a few clients lately asking me where all the homes are. Well, it’s the holidays… and many folks will wait until after the new year to put their home on the market…new year, and fresh start. I know of a few homes getting ready to go on the market within the next month. If you’re thinking about buying ….January through March is a great time to be out there. We are in that tail end of the best time of year to be a buyer 🙂
Now…please remember that my magic wand is broken, and the magic 8 ball exploded all over my house with the holidays… so no one really knows what is going to happen. However, most people in the real estate industry agrees that in 2019 we will see interest rates continue to go up. This is a very solid bet. It’s a split decision with industry sources on when prices should plateau off. With Seattle and the Portland area being 2 of the top markets in the United States, it really depends on how soon we will see more homes on the market. This is a lot like foretelling the weather right now… as it really depends on when things happen. Most industry sources do say that home prices should start plateauing though. This doesn’t mean that the home prices will not go up…they just shouldn’t go up like last year. They should steady out. As people see the change in the market coming, more homeowners should put the home on the market so they can begin their move to their new home, and this will help all the price ranges see more homes on the market…which should help with the multiple offers that we saw so much of during the spring of 2018. I’ll be honest here… the last couple were awful for multiple offers. This past summer, and fall were not as bad, and this winter has been quite a bit different than the past couple of years winters. This is usually a beginning sign that we have reached that plateau… but this spring and summer will tell the tale.
What is the best time to buy, or sell? Whenever YOU are ready. Sometimes waiting makes sense, and sometimes it really doesn’t. I am a firm believer that the right home will always be ready when you are, and that it will all fall into place. Remember….your agent works for you. YOUR agent isn’t a salesperson. We shouldn’t be trying to ‘sell’ you on anything. YOUR agent works for YOU….not the other way around. When you hire an agent you are hiring a representative; someone who should be looking out for your best interests. Always ask questions. We do this all the time, and we love it, so use our knowledge to your advantage. There really is NO stupid question in real estate. There is always learning opportunities, and that is goes for us as well. If i can’t answer your question; I will help you find someone who can. We’re in this together.
Delayed Possession… What is this & what does it mean to you
Interest Rates (information from Chris Berg, Pinnacle Mortgage)
What do I need to buy a home,
Hiring a Realtor…questions to ask,
Debt to Income Ratios….What is this?
Tracie DeMars
Real Estate broker
Re/Max – Van Mall
360/ 903-3504 cell
360/ 882-3600 fax
“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
– Shel Silverstein, American poet, cartoonist and composer, (1930 – 1999).